It’s still winter outside, and I’m still more or less trapped inside as many of you are. On nice, or even sem nice days, I am taking walks on the search for winter color that does exist in the Pacific Northwest. On other days, when i am deeply longing for the warmth and sun of summer, I watch gardening movies. Or movies that features gardens, really anything with some botanical eye candy is great.
There is a trailer out now for a film directed by Alan Rickman called “A Little Chaos” about the building of Versailles and the trailer is lovely. I know there is a romance and fancy costumes, but I spent my time looking at the gardens where the movie is set. Oh the horticultural eye candy. Here is the trailer for anyone that wants to take a look
I digress a little bit. For mid winter pick me ups, here a few of my favorite movies for plants.
- Secret Garden- the 1993 version is my favorite. Watching little kids discover planting and gardening is just a fun watch
- Greenfingers- It has Clive Owen and competitive show gardens. It’s a win
- Botany of Desire- A lovely and insightful documentary about different desired characteristics in plants.
- Coraline- Her fantasy garden is beautiful and is the sort of dream of beauty that all gardeners have
- Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit- i adore Wallace and Gromit and them being rabbit catchers amongst the little town gardens is adorable
- Rosemary and Thyme- this is a TV series and is a plant pathologist and friends that run around solving murders and working in some fabulous gardens.
There are more I’m sure but these are the ones I love and will re-watch these at a drop of a dime. I will of course watch “A Little Chaos” when it comes out and it may become a mid-winter staple next year. We shall see