Monday, August 7, 2017

Garden update

As mentioned in the last post, my tomato plants have become monsters. They are setting fruit like crazy, especially the Juliette, which is pretty typical. There are a couple starting to turn red, I am very excited. My zucchini seems to be luring me into a sense of complacency. There are baby fruits that aren't growing and I think the plant needs more water but really, I haven't had a single fruit off that plant. I doubt I will be planting Patio Star again next year. All my other squash are making fruits. It looks like I am going to have a bunch of butternut squash this year, a great victory over last year, I didn't get a single one last season.  I've harvested my garlic, moving it all to the edges of the beds has made it so I could find it when it was time to collect. It is being stored in the basement so I won't be needing to buy any for a while.
The purple bed is cruising along, there isn't a lot to look at yet, I didn't want to overfill the bed this year. There is a curious thing though, the bag of mixed purple gladiolus seem to be all a dark magenta. It's a really pretty color and I like it but, it was not what I was expecting.  It was a ten dollar bag of gladiolus bulbs I got from Home Depot so, go figure.